Monday, 4 June 2012

50th position at Justbeeenpaid

Today, June 4, 2012, marks my 50th position that i purchased at Justbeenpaid. Isn't it exciting? I will be earning $10.00 per day now from Monday to Friday and $7.50 a day during Saturday and Sunday. I will not repurchase a position yet as per advise of a good friend online so I can withdraw my earnings and so I will have my proof of payment too! I will save my earnings and withdraw it after 10 days so I will make almost $100.00! Wow! I have really nice experience at justbeenpaid... :) way to go! 

How to make money at Justbeenpaid:

1. Click here to register at Justbeenpaid!!!
2. Login to your account.
3. Go to JSS Tripler and invest at least 1 position. ($10 = 1 position)
4. You earn 2% daily without doing anything!
The simple Justbeenpaid investing strategy:
Since justbeenpaid works like a time deposit, the strategy is very simple... The more investments you make, the more you earn. Its the simple law of percentage.
Earn $0.20 per day = Invest $10
Earn $2.00 per day = Invest $100
Earn $20.00 per day = Invest $1,000
Earn $200.00 per day = Invest $10,000
You get your investment back in just 50 days or less than 2 months!
You can start making a fortune at Justbeenpaid with only $10 and just keep on reinvesting using your earnings. Its that simple! No referrals needed! Its making your money work for you!


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